Medical Device Net

Connecting purchasers, users, manufacturers, FDA, and more.....


We help purchasers/users select the right medical devices from the most comprehensive and updated medical device database in the US and connect to manufacturers. .

Start search by device name, manufacturer, device type, or FDA Product Code.

The most comprehensive free
commercial medical device

The most user-friendly search
engine of the US FDA medical
device database.

The easiest way to find the newest
medical devices and their

Currently 225,756 medical devices
and 35,863 manufacturers
covered, with hundreds of new
devices added monthly.

We provide a free platform that helps medical device purchasers, healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders to select the right medical devices. Our database is synchronized with that of US FDA, the most comprehensive, systematic, and updated medical device database in the US. All medical devices commercialized in the US are required to register with the FDA.

Our platform also allows medical device manufacturers to showcase their newest products by providing the most updated technical & sales information for side-by-side comparison of similar devices. Manufacturer login.

Search for manufacturers' technical & sales information by keywords, manufacturer, device type or FDA Product Code.

Search by keywords: device generic name, device brand name, manufacturer, FDA clearance/approval date

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Medical Device Net
8401 Gardner Ave.
Lubbock, Texas 79424


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